“Golden Days Homecare has truly been a blessing to my family! My father is able to enjoy the company of someone who truly cares, understands, and goes above and beyond the call of duty. Joseph is readily available all the time and willing to do whatever it takes to make sure my father is taken care of. I cannot even begin to list all the things Golden Days Homecare has been able to accomplish towards the proper care and attention of my father and his needs. My father has had multiple surgeries in the past 2-3 years and has a hard time walking, going to the grocery store, bathing, getting a haircut, etc., and I work consistently during the week, making it hard to be there for him most times. Golden Days Homecare shows up and assists my father with whatever he needs and provides up-to-date progress on what was done and how it was provided.
I cannot stress how happy I am that I have found a company that’s able to provide the care we need for my dad! Thank you so much for all you do!
"It was my parents’ great fortune to have found Golden Days Homecare. During the last decade of their lives your home care service provided Mom and Dad a superior level of care. Due to their differing health needs and physical challenges, they would have been forced to live separate lives had they opted to live in a nursing facility. You and your compassionate staff provided a stable home life and the luxury of spending their golden years together in their home. You and your staff were always gracious, patient and kind to my parents who could, at times, be set in their ways. My home is 500 miles away, but you always made yourself available to me, and I was comforted by your daily presence.
Though the instances are too numerous to mention, you and your staff went above their daily call to be helpful. From preparing for my brother’s visit from overseas and helping me clean every nook and cranny – to accompanying my father and me during my mother’s last days in the hospital, you and your staff showed my parents dignity and devotion above and beyond duty.
My father lived a very active life, traveling the world from his time in the army, then later in his profession as a chemical engineer. He made many friends throughout his lifetime, but I can say with certainty that he valued his friendship with you, Joseph, above all others as his world grew smaller. You were a lifeline, and I believe you never saw him as old and insignificant. Instead you saw the brave soldier that lived within. Dad knew you had his back and he trusted you completely.
It’s with great pride that I include you and your staff in my parents’ life story. Without Golden Days, that story would have been very different. Your generous care allowed my parents to live out their love story in peace and in the contentment of their own home. The diligence and patience you showed was remarkable and as a family we were all blessed.
Please continue your great calling and gift for compassionate care. Surely you’ve touched many others in a similar way, and there will be many more to come. My sincerest best wishes to you."
"Thank you so much for your caring and giving. The world is a better place because you are in it! Blessings, blessings, blessings back to you!"
Steve and Marlyn
"Thank you for sending Sara to us."
"As always, thanks for your care. We know Dad is safe and comfortable when you are with him!"